a professionel con artist’s!!!

(a professional con artist!!!)

a skillfel lier’s dat pretennid she wuz working 4 ta police!!!
(a skillful liar that pretended she was working for the police!!!)

Hundreds Take to the Streets in Santa Barbara After Viral Video Sparks Outrage – The Santa Barbara Independent
she said she works 4 ta police but haz no relatienship with tem!
(she said she works for the police but has no relationship with them!)

looks ta freedem versien uv this 1s!!!

looks ta freedem versienuv this 1s!!!
Watch Star Trek: Picard Season 2 Episode 4: Watcher - Full show on Paramount Plus
Watch Star Trek: Picard Season 2 Episode 4: Watcher – Full show on Paramount Plus
seasin 2 episod 4: ta criminels haz fun!
Watch The Rookie TV Show - ABC.com
Watch The Rookie TV Show – ABC.com
ta cops chases tem down 😦
Star Trek: Picard (Official Site) Watch on Paramount Plus
Star Trek: Picard (Official Site) Watch on Paramount Plus
seasin 2 episod 3 ta 8: ta lawbrakrs escapes!
Watch The Rookie: Feds TV Show - ABC.com
Watch The Rookie: Feds TV Show – ABC.com
ta cops arress tem 😦
[The Lincoln Lawyer] – Netflix
ta defens alwayz wins!
(the defense always wins!)
The Whole Truth (TV Series 2010–2012) – IMDb
ta prosecutien alwayz wins 😦
(the prosecution always wins 😦 )

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